
Wednesday 6 June 2012

Politics - Number 1

So what did you make of the jubilee then? 

I've had my fill of Royals at least until the next time I get an extra day off (probably never).  Needless to say the extra day off caused much consternation amongst the Tory press giving them another opportunity to vent their spleen against public sector workers.  The "5 day week-end thing" is probably the biggest give away.  This lot (purposely vague and woolly) won't be satisfied until nobody apart from them (again purposely vague) gets week-ends off.  Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if the next clammer is to have public sector workers pay restricted to 5/7 to account for the fact they don't work week-ends.

I'm already being subjected to a pay freeze for two years, not that I've had a pay rise anywhere near inflation for over 10 years leaving me on a pathetic embarrassingly low salary for the job I am expected to do.  With the expectation of regional pay being brought in I don't think I'll ever get a pay rise again which means the so called "gold-plated" pension I am now being forced to pay extra for will also become risible.

Don't get me wrong I know the funding for public pensions is unsustainable and I've been warning people about the changing ratio of workers to pensioners for 20 years but I don't think it's fair or right that so much of this should fall on my shoulders.

The race to the bottom was started by New Labour before passing the batton on to the Tories to go in for the kill.  As far as I'm concerned they're all in this together.

Cheers Blurgh!!

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