
Sunday, 13 August 2017

Day 3 - In The Boro part 1 and chores

Inspired by a flick at a book Shamila got her Dad for his 86th birthday (3 cheers) about the history of central Middlesbrough I thought I'd have a mooch around my home town, "The Boro".  I'm a bit ashamed I've never done it before.

There's not an awful left of "the olden days" in Middlesbrough to be honest.  Here's an article from the Gazette a couple of years ago about some of the buildings we've lost.  Read it and weep.  For example in fairly recent years we've lost the old St Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral in Sussex Street that was demolished after an arson attack in 2000

and the Cleveland Scientific Institution which was demolished in 2006 to make way for a car park.

 You couldn't make it up. I won't say it was a criminal act because I might get into trouble. In any case Mandale Properties and Middlesbrough Council had no case to answer because all the correct procedures were followed in relation to its demolition. Well that's the main thing.

And after that rather splendid intro (if I say so myself)  I'm sad to report due to circumstances out of my control we (me and Sham) had to abandon today's tour after about 40 minutes.

We got as far as Exchange Square, buildings including Exchange House, now known as the House of Blah Blah, behind it including the Impasse Centre (vague memories of local concerts here in the late seventies/early eighties).

and the Railway Station.  It was looking good but hey ho I'm off tomorrow so I'll give it another go and report back again.

I'll say manyana then.

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