
Saturday, 25 June 2011

Long time no see

Don't know where those 2 weeks went. Actually, that goes for time full stop. My 50th birthday is looming and I'm hurtling towards it.  I know you can't stop time but I'd settle for slowing it down a bit.  I don't think my 4 day working week helps, mind.  As one week-end finishes, the next is just round the corner. Still a price worth paying though.

I've had a pretty active day.  Went on a brutal walk march with Shamila this morning from Hartlepool along the beach beyond the Power Station up to where Able UK were dismantling the Ghost Ships and back along the road.  I'm getting too old for this lark!

This afternoon I went to see Cement Factory (not sure if only FB's will get that link) at the Square Eyes Picture House (ditto) at 148 Linthorpe Road a short film by Sheena Cox and A.J. Garrett.  And it was very good.  Filmed in black and white, a dark comedy about a badly treated, down-trodden employee Beatrix (Sheena Cox) who did a deal with the devil after she was murdered by masturbating cement mixer, Enoch (John Noble). 

Very enjoyable, well filmed with a good script - great character names by the way. All the actors were very good, Sheena, John, Craig Thornton as the hapless Chester and for me, star of the show James Harris as the totally plausible manager, Office Totty.  I was relieved he got it in the end!

By the way  I assume everybody has already pointed out James' physical likeness to Duncan Banantyne?  Ouch!

Not bad for nowt!  Cheers, Square eyes Picture House.

Just a couple of days work next week and then I'm off to Madrid for a few days.  My hard life continues!

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