
Saturday 11 June 2011

Linthorpe Festival or Thorntree Party In The Park?

Lots of choice what to do today.  I could go the Linthorpe Festival at one of my old Cricket Clubs, Dormans, there's the Thorntree Party In The Park at The Greenway, where my mother grew up or The Sci Fi Event with Shane Rimmer, Graeme Harper and Ray Phillips.  Or I could just stay at home and do my household chores to free up tomorrow.   Lot's of choices and thank you F*c*book for being my guide.

I'm knackered actually after a 12 mile (what felt like a) march.  We got the train to Lealholm and pretty much followed the River Esk to Whitby stopping off at  Glaisdale and Grosmont for refreshments.  Of course we had our obligatory fish and chips at Whitby before getting the train back to the Boro.  To be honest it felt more like 20 miles.  It was still good fun though and knocks spots off going to the gym.

The newspapers are boring today.  What the hell is all this Ed Balls  leak all about?  Certainly useful news for the Tories at this time deflecting our minds away from the state of the economy.  It seems to me that it probably was a Tory source that stole the papers as Balls is suggesting although as the article says it could be that

"a Labour figure leaked the papers to damage Mr Balls at a time when he is emerging as a pivotal figure in Labour and there is grumbling about Mr Miliband's performance as leader."

So either way it was somebody keen to keep the Tories in power.  Good to see Blair looking so healthy and happy though yesterday though eh? 

On a lighter note also nice to see 68 year old Barry Manilow looking so good!


  1. 12 miles!? I need a lie down just reading about it!

  2. You want to try running it.Walking it is for WIMPS.
