
Wednesday, 3 June 2009

The promised free upgrade from Virgin Media appears to have come through and my the speed of my broadband connection appears to have gone through the roof. Yippee! I've been downloading the complete Bob Dylan Radio Hour shows from here. They were taking a miserable 30 minutes plus each but now they're taking less than a minute. For techies I'm achieving downloading speeds of about 1.2MB a second.

God knows when I'll find the time to listen to them, but that issue's for another day.

Been looking at the Music Live programme in last night's Gazette. I'm planning to watch either General Fiasco or Das Wanderlust at noon at the Empire, Jimmy Bullet And The Baby Shakers, Idiot Savant and Russell And The Wolves on the homegrown stages between 2 and 4 and Future Of The Left (well tipped) at 7.10 and Frank Turner at 9.10 in the Town Hall Courtyard. That'll do for a start. Any other heads ups very welcome.


  1. What about Sunshine Underground? Worth a look me thinks (although not like anything you're currently listening to)

  2. What about Michael Jackson in the Walkabout;thats if he turns up!!!!
