
Monday, 3 October 2011

What's Got My Goat?

So Foxy got off.  Some campaign eh? 

Needless to say, couldn't really give a toss.  I've wasted far too much time watching/listening to this story in the news.  Obviously, feel sorry for poor girl that got murdered and her family. The fact that I would have to look her name up on the Internet says it all. But that's justice.

Interested in the story about the change in the unfair dismissal law though and the fact that you now have to be employed by a company for 2 years before you can make a claim for unfair dismissal.  They reckon the change will save business almost £6m per year, whoopee do!  If you have been employed for 2 years and want to claim unfair dismissal you'll have to pay a fee which you will only get back if you win.  Happy days for unscrupulous employers and lazy managers.

I had first hand knowledge of unfair dismissal law when my son was sacked by the Sporting Lodge (not sure I've seen a more pathetic corporate web-site by the way) Hotel.   I'm not going to bore you with details of the case but the tribunal proved the managers of the hotel lied, produced retrospective documents, didn't take statements off any independent witnesses and basically didn't follow employment law.  Thankfully their cover up was so woefully inept their evidence was ripped to shreds by the independent tribunal and the fact that the 4 managers who gave evidence against my son are still working for the the Sporting Lodge speaks volumes about the company.

My son had been working for the hotel for only 18 months so under the new law he wouldn't have been able to challenge his dismissal and would have had the blemish of "sacked for misconduct" on his employment record.  Justice was done in my son's case but it won't be for many others in the future.

The Tory press talk about it as an attack on trade unions.  That's bullshit, my son wasn't a member of a trade union.  He was seen by the management of The Sporting Lodge as an easy target. 


By the way keep your eyes open for Sporting Lodge seeking free publicity on "Love Middlesbrough" group and the like on F***book and for my subsequent comments.  Happy for Sporting Lodge to see me in court, if they want, I've kept all the paperwork.

And I offer this little snippet without further comment (for now) - "Minimum wage harming job opportunities for young".  Scrapping the National Minimum Wage is not yet government policy but watch this space.


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