
Saturday, 9 May 2015

Still gutted about yesterday's election result.  It reminds me of the feeling I used to have the morning after a mid-week defeat for Boro.  I don't get that anymore, there's no use fretting and the election result is a bit like that.  The people have spoken and our undemocratic election system has produced a decisive result.  The Conservatives have won an outright majority of seats after polling 36.9% of the total votes cast.  12.6% voted UKIP leading to them winning 1 seat (thank the lord) whereas SNP won 56 seats from 4.7% of the total votes cast.  Bonkers.

That said, I went through with my promise and spoilt my ballot paper so it could be argued I'm a hypocrite.  I'm done with left wing idealism.  The markets rule and the powers that be will never allow anything other than a right wing or centre right/left party to govern Britain anytime soon.  It's taken 54 years for the penny to drop but the soft left of Blur's Britain is about as good as we are ever going to get so I'll be a good boy and toe the line in the future.

I can't find the actual scores but apparently " counting was weighed down by a huge number of spoiled ballots" at the Middlesbrough mayoral election.  Not mine though, I just couldn't take a chance on ex city hedge fund manager Andy Preston being elected in my name without having a say in the matter.  I was relieved to see Labour's Dave Budd (whoever he is) to see romp home by 256 votes.  I hope I haven't missed a trick but if he's serious about wanting to help the area he'll be back.  Maybe one for the future?

And finally BORO... BORO... BORO...  No faffing this time,  I've bought my ticket for next Friday.  It's far from in the bag but a 2-1 lead is a good score to take into the second leg.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Election Blues

Most of my friends will be voting Labour but it pains me to say I won’t be joining them.  In no particular order here are 9 reasons why.

1.     Tony Blair and the Iraq war. If it had been under the Tories watch?

2.     Being selfish, Middlesbrough’s  continued deterioration as a town and place to live 1997-2010.  

3.     The madness of PFI’s under Labour’s watch 1997-2010.

4.     Gordon Brown shameful abolishing of the 10% tax rate band in 2007.   Trust me I’m a taxman.

5.     Labour not doing anything about Britain’s unbalanced economy and over-reliance on London and the South East of England 1997-2010.

6.     Labour’s contribution to Scottish devolution 1997-2010.  Taking Scottish Labour voters taken for granted for too long.  Good luck to the them at their next referendum. If the North East of England was part of Scotland I’d be voting with them.

7.     Labour’s part in maintaining the first past the post electoral system (fat lot of good that’s going to do them tomorrow).

8.     Labour playing party politics by not supporting a motion re House of Lords reform during current parliament.

9.     Just not enough different.  Some proposed tinkering (mansion tax/non-dom’s/windfall tax on power companies/slight reduction in student tuition fees but still Tory lite for me.

Needless to say there are a thousand reasons why I won’t be voting Conservative and although I think history may not be so unkind to Clegg and co they will always be collaborators to me.  I’m not even sure who else is running in my constituency to be honest.

I really don't want to be represented by a Conservative MP again (nightmare memories of Tim Devlin circa early eighties) but none of the above will be getting my vote around 7.30 am tomorrow morning.

Prediction?  Not sure how Miliband and co think they can win the election without Scottish Nationalist support?  Get ready for a re-run later in the year.