If memory serves me correctly my blog will be 9 years old tomorrow. Not really sure where to go with it really. I never thought I'd keep it going so long and in a way that's all that keeps me doing it. Until this year I generally received 20 to 30 views a day which made it worthwhile to me but this that has really tailed off. And so far the post before this one has received no views. Probably not surprising given my 8 month absence. The 44 year old me wouldn't have been bothered but sadly Goffa circa 2014/15 is.
Hey ho, I'll give it a go for a bit longer but if the nil pwa gets to say 5 posts I'm out of here. It's not like I'm a natural writer anyway. Some of you might find it hard to believe but it's sometimes tough for me to write this rubbish. Partly because I'm terrible at typing but also because I have such an appalling memory. I often find that by the time I come to the end of a sentence I've forgotten the point I was trying to make. Crap, I know but I've got to be honest.
Not just that but since this latest batch of posts I've managed to delete one and duplicate another one. So what's new I hear
Seriously though, feeling shit has become my normal state of health and I really could just post everyday about how I'm feeling. I can live (or die) with my heart disease but I find having to take 7 tablets a day to feel this rubbish so hard to bear.
Anyway to make things more interesting (for me) I'm starting a hand-written, warts and all diary tomorrow. I got the idea from my friend Don who let me read his me his moving, funny, libellous moanathon commentary of his life (and shoe insoles) from about June 2009 to September 2010. I don't know how it will go and knowing me it might not last long but I'm going to give it a go for at least a couple of weeks. It will hopefully be more fluent than this and I can promise (myself) lots of uninhibited moaning and libellous comments. Oh and lots of spelling errors.
So before I sign off for the year. Resolutions?
1. My hand-written diary
2. To learn more about music theory.
3. What's that stupid saying that people use? Less equals more. Not really but something about making better use of my time. Wasting less time doing things like reading the teletext and browsing the Internet will give me more time to do good stuff. I've tried this sitting around watching the football and it's ok but it's just not me (this doesn't include watching Boro. I never get sick of the Boro). Forgotten the point I was trying to make.
4. Go out more? Mmmm..... I know I need to. We'll see.
5. Be here for new year 2016 blogging or not.
Happy New Year
PS I've remembered, No Hootananny this year!!!